Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN

tel. (+48) 224-966-200
31 May 2023

Start of the LOCALIENCE project

The Crisis Information Centre CBK PAN started realisation of the project “LOCALIENCE – Developing resilience against extreme weather threats at local level in Central Europe” on 1 April 2023.

The overall aim of LOCALIENCE is to develop disaster response capacities of municipalities, especially through developing knowledge and methods of rapid response to extreme weather events caused by climate change, as well as the effective management of the effects of such events, and to disseminate solutions supporting local level climate resilience and biodiversity restoration to Central European settlements.

LOCALIENCE connects transnational partners facing similar extreme weather threats, benefitting from a vast Central European pool of professional institutions and their experience, exploring solutions aimed at multiple aspects of the same challenge but offering sound learning and transfer potential, transnational peer-review and co-creation, as well as long-term networking, data sharing and service integration prospects in a compact geographical area.

The specific objectives of LOCALIENCE (as well as its main activities) are:

  • Providing jointly developed tools for policy development, action planning and monitoring, to improve local, regional and national levels of disaster management, to increase resilience against extreme weather events caused by climate change.
  • Strengthening public and civil stakeholder preparedness, proactivity and engagement via training, knowledge sharing and awareness raising.
  • Developing and testing small-scale, local solutions ( particularly relevant to the country’s weather conditions and disaster management system) to increase local level resilience and preparedness concerning extreme weather threats caused by climate change, building on intensified stakeholder interaction and IT solutions.

The project will last 3 years and involve 11 partners from 5 countries. It is financed from the European Union programme – Interreg Central Europe 2021-2027

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