The 2.5-year project “Od śrubki do satelity – dobre praktyki w nauczaniu fizyki w gimnazjach oraz fizyki z elementami astronomii w szkołach ponadgimnazjalnych” began in October 2015. It aimed to create innovative physics curriculum for middle and high school students in Poland. The project based on active forms of teaching, project methods and modern information technologies: interactive whiteboards and e-experiments. The project was focused on developing scientific expertise and understanding of knowledge with the use of astronomy and space science applications. Centrum Badań Kosmicznych was a leader of the consortium in partnership with two educational centres: the Cité de l’espace at Toulouse, France and the National Space Centre at Leicester in the United Kingdom. The collaboration allowed the development of a database of educational projects and sharing experiences of modern teaching methods. The project supported physics teachers in the European Union at a basic level offering modern curriculum with examples of teaching activities. It highlighted the connections between various fields of physics (electromagnetism, gravity fields, types of motion, etc.), and among different scientific disciplines.
Role of CBK PAN: Consortium leader
Principal investigator: dr Ryszard Gabryszewski
Funding source: ERASMUS+
Timeframe: Oct. 01, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2018
Web page: