Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN

tel. (+48) 224-966-200

MGEM. Modular GEM Detectors

The goal of the Project is to comprehensively develop and implement a completely innovative, modular gas detector, made in GEM (Gas Electron Multiplier) technology and adapted to CubeSat technology. The detector will have the ability to detect electromagnetic and particle radiation. The project is implemented by a consortium consisting of: Centrum Badań Kosmicznych Polskiej Akademii Nauk (CBK PAN), Wrocław University of Science and Technology, Technology Transfer Agency TECHTRA, and Wrocław  Technology Park.

As a result of the Project’s implementation, a detector will be created ready for installation in imaging devices and spectrometers or devices combining both of the above-mentioned functions. These devices are widely used in industry and science laboratories. In addition, the detector will have the ability to measure polarization and will be adapted to work in harsh environmental conditions. The detector will be compatible with the CubeSat technology, which has been dynamically developing in recent years, which will facilitate its applications in space missions.

Principal Investigator: Mirosław Kowaliński
Funding source: Narodowe Centrum Badań i Rozwoju
:  Oct. 1, 2019 – Jun. 30, 2022

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