Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN

tel. (+48) 224-966-200


List of supervisors and research topics for the Doctoral Program of the CBK PAN:

  • Prof. dr. Marek Banaszkiewicz, marekb@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 399
    Space physics, planetology, space techniques and technologies, computer modeling
  • Prof. dr. Jan Błęcki, jblecki@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 225
    Space plasma physics, Earth’s electromagnetic environment, plasma waves in Earth’s magnetosphere, electromagnetic effects of seismic activity
  • Prof. dr. Aleksander Brzezinski, alek@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 287
    Earth dynamics, theory of the Earth’s rotational motion.
  • Prof. Maciej Bzowski, Ph.D., bzowski@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 308
    Physics of the heliosphere, imaging of the heliosphere by neutral atoms
  • PhD., associate professor Andrzej Czechowski, ace@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 313
    Physical processes in the space plasma, physics of the heliosphere
  • Prof. dr. Stanisław Grzędzielski, stangrze@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 417
    Physics of space plasma, astrophysics
  • Prof. Marek Kaczorowski, Ph.D., marekk@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 282
    Measurements and analysis and interpretation of geodynamic signals, and design of geodynamic instruments. The research base is the Geodynamic Laboratory in Książ.
  • Prof. dr. Zbigniew Klos, klos@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 327
    Physics of peripheral plasma
  • Prof. Małgorzata Królikowska-Sołtan, PhD., mkr@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 321
    Dynamics of small bodies of the Solar System, non-gravitational effects in comets
  • PhD., prof. nadzw. Stanislaw Lewinski, stlewinski@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 286
    Satellite remote sensing: analysis and classification of satellite images of the Earth, environmental monitoring. Geoinformatics.
  • Prof. Wieslaw M. Macek, PhD., macek@cbk.waw.pl, www, tel. +48 22 4966 309
    Space physics and astrophysics, applied mathematics: nonlinear dynamics, fractals and chaos.
  • Prof. dr. Jolanta Nastula, nastula@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 314
    Earth dynamics, rotation of the Earth, geophysical interpretation of changes in the Earth’s rotation, use of satellite gravity missions to interpret changes in the Earth’s rotation.
  • Prof. dr. Barbara Popielawska, bpop@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 377
    Physics of space plasma, physics of planetary magnetospheres, space weather.
  • Prof. Miroslaw Rataj, PhD., rataj@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 211
    Optics, satellite spectrophotometers.
  • Prof. Romana Ratkiewicz, PhD., roma@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 312
    Gasodynamics as applied to space plasma
  • Prof. Jerzy Sąsiadek, Ph.D., jsasiadek@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 406
    Space robotics, satellite control systems.
  • Prof. dr. Stanislaw Schillak, sch@cbk.poznan.pl, tel: 061-8170-187 w 26
    Satellite geodesy-satellite laser observations, realization of measurements and orbital processing of results.
  • PhD., associate prof. Roman Schreiber, schreibe@ncac.torun.pl, tel. 056 611 30 13
    Physics of planetary magnetospheres, radio astronomy of the Solar System
  • PhD., associate prof. Karol Seweryn, kseweryn@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 405
    Space robotics, space mechatronics, space mining.
  • PhD., Prof. Marek Siarkowski, ms@cbk.pan.wroc.pl, Wrocław +48 71 348 32 38
    Physics of the Sun, X-ray radiation of solar flares.
  • Prof. dr. Iwona Stanislawska, stanis@cbk.waw.pl, tel. +48 22 4966 380
    Physics of the Sun-Earth relationship, ionosphere, Earth’s immediate environment, practical applications
  • PhD., associate professor Barbara Sylwester, bs@cbk.pan.wroc.pl, +48 71 348 32 38
    Physics of the Sun, X-ray spectroscopy
  • Prof. dr. Janusz Sylwester, js@cbk.pan.wroc.pl, +48 71 348 32 38
    Physics of the Sun, X-ray spectroscopy
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