Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN

tel. (+48) 224-966-200
28 April 2023

Conference in Innovation in Disaster Risk Reduction

The Conference called Innovation in Disaster Risk Reduction, held on 9-11 of May in Krakow, will focus on current challenges and innovative risk management solutions, and is made possible through support from the EEA/Norway Grants, as a Polish-Norwegian bilateral initiative under the Disaster Prevention and Preparedness programme.

Day 1 will set the scene by focusing on current challenges and include presentations about the Sendai Framework and synergies with the EU Civil Protection Mechanism. Day 2 of the conference will highlight recent developments in the field of geospatial data management and other innovative solutions.
On day 3, we will wrap things up by discussing the opportunities that lie within these innovations, e.g., in building resilient societies and improving risk communication. Finally, the conference will also address how the EEA/Norway Grants can be used to strengthen cooperation in disaster prevention and preparedness in the years ahead. 

Online participation is free and open to all. Conference link will be sent to all registered participants. In-person participation is by invitation only.

Register for online participation (before: 03.05.2023) here 

For further information here

Contact: sendai@rcb.gov.pl

The conference is made possible through support from the EEA/Norway Grants, as a Polish-Norwegian bilateral initiative under the Disaster Prevention and Preparedness Programme. The event is jointly planned and hosted by the Polish Government Centre for Security (RCB), the Polish Crisis Information Centre (CIK CBK) and the Norwegian Directorate for Civil Protection (DSB). The conference is under the honorary patronage of the Prime Minister of Poland, Mr. Mateusz Morawiecki.

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