Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN

tel. (+48) 224-966-200
13 April 2023

COLLARIS Network: COLLaborative network on unmanned AeRIal Systems is launched

Representatives of civil protection authorities at all levels, first responders, crisis management practitioners, and researchers interested in issues related to further development and operational use of UAS in their activities are cordially invited to join the COLLARIS Network initiatives – a new project coordinated by Crisis Information Centre CBK PAN under the Union Civil Protection Mechanism Knowledge Network.

Scientific advances as well as fast-evolving drone technology and its applications have today become indispensable in all phases of the disaster risk management cycle. COLLARIS is a capacity-building initiative to develop a sustainable European network of scientific, engineering, and end-user expertise related to unmanned aerial systems (UAS) in civil protection and disaster response. COLLARIS covers the following thematic focus areas:

  • identification and sharing of operational procedures, lessons learnt, and best practices using UAS
  • elaboration of air traffic management challenges, solutions, and operational practices
  • acquisition of solutions for data analysis and data sharing, as well as auxiliary support systems (e.g. simulators)
  • development of methods for increasing end-user competences
  • foresight of new developments and future use case scenarios to identify tomorrow’s needs and gaps, technological capabilities, and their potential applications


COLLARIS will offer a networking platform as part of the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network for information exchange and experimentation with advanced concepts of UAS for disaster response and crisis management. These activities are accompanied by thematic workshops, webinars, and moderated discussions as well as trials and embedded first responder trainings, aimed at increasing the efficiency of UAS operations by bringing knowledge closer to operational use. For more details please contact: Collaris-network@cbk.waw.pl

COLLARIS Network is coordinated by Crisis Information Centre CBK PAN (PL), with MSB (SE), Valabre (FR), DCNA (AT) and KIOS (CY) as consortium partners.

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