Centrum Badań Kosmicznych PAN

tel. (+48) 224-966-200

Future missions

JUICE planetary probe. Photo: ESA

RPWI & SWI (JUICE mission)

RPWI/JUICE. The JUpiter ICy moons Explorer ESA L-class mission JUICE will perform advanced investigations of Jupiter and its system. The RPWI Radio & Plasma Waves Investigation is one of the scientific payload instrument. RPWI consists of a highly integrated

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GLOWS (IMAP mission)

GLOWS (GLObal solar Wind Structure) is one of 10 experiments on a NASA mission IMAP (Interstellar Mapping and Acceleration Probe), scheduled for launch into a Lissajous orbit around the Lagrange point L1 in 2025. The objective of GLOWS is

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ATHENA spacecraft. Photo: ESA

WFI i X-IFU (ATHENA mission)

ATHENA mission is  approved by  European Space Agency as a large mission L2 with a launch foreseen in 2028. X-IFU (X-ray Integral Field Unit) instrument on-board ATHENA satellite will propose the unique detector system able to analize the energy

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Proba-3. Photo: ESA

Coronagraph (PROBA-3 mission)

PROBA-3 is the 3rd mission of the PROBA (Project for Onboard Autonomy) line. It is an experimental mission devoted to the in-orbit demonstration of formation flying techniques and technologies. The high level objectives of the PROBA-3 project are: The

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International Space Station. Photo: NASA

SolpeX (Kortes payload on the ISS)

SolpeX is the soft X-ray polarimeter-spectrometer to be built by CBK PAN for the International Space Station. The instrument consists of three functional blocks to be placed inside Russian-build KORTES assembly. Delivery of KORTES to the ISS is planned

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TARANIS satellite. Photo: CNES


TARANIS is a low-altitude micro-satellite. It is the CNES mission to study physics of the TLEs (Transient Luminous Events) and TGFs (Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes) events. Polish CBK PAN participates in the scientific program of the mission and designs the

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The primary objective of RESONANCE project is to diagnose and monitor the Earth’s space environment, describe the transport of energy between inner magnetosphere and ionosphere system and obtain a much more complete picture of Radiation Belts than those available

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In order to diagnose and forecast the near Earth’s environment the four spacecraft JONOSOND missions lead by Russian Space Agency were proposed. The four identical spacecrafts will be located at the polar circular orbit at the altitude 600km and

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