Individual Tree Detection from UAV Imagery Using Hölder Exponent
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Specific alpine environment land cover classification methodology: Google Earth Engine processing for Sentinel-2 data
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Interdisciplinary Teaching Using Satellite Images as a Way to Introduce Remote Sensing in Secondary School
Dziob D., Krupiński M., Woźniak E., Gabryszewski R. (2020), Interdisciplinary Teaching Using Satellite Images as a Way to Introduce Remote Sensing in Secondary School. Remote Sens. 2020, 12(18), 2868; doi: 10.3390/rs12182868.

The interior of Comet 67P/C–G; revisiting CONSERT results with the exact position of the Philae lander
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Calibration of global MODIS cloud amount using CALIOP cloud profiles
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Automated Production of a Land Cover/Use Map of Europe Based on Sentinel-2 Imagery
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Calcium isotopic compositions of oceanic crust at various spreading rates. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta
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What Can Multifractal Analysis Tell Us about Hyperspectral Imagery?
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The catalogue of cometary orbits and their dynamical evolution
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Remote sensing and electromagnetic wave behaviour to measure vegetation phenology with physics
Woźniak Edyta, Gabryszewski Ryszard, Dziob Daniel.
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