Research Fields
- Cometary atmospheres: modeling of spectral line profiles for an anisotropic density distribution of molecules in the coma; modeling of radiation transfer in the molecular lines including thermal excitation by collisions and radiative excitation.
- Cometary nuclei: numerical simulations dealing with the internal structure and activity, involving effects of orbital evolution.
- Planetary atmospheres and surfaces: Analysis the radiation transfer equations in the VIS and IR spectral ranges. Numerical simulations of the transmittance and radiance of the atmospheres loaded with gases, aerosols and dust and influenced by the surface optical parameters. Modeling and analysis of the reflectance and emissivity measured in laboratory. Development of Martian atmosphere model, with the production and the transport of major as minor species of the atmosphere. Study of the possible methane sources and its transport in the atmosphere.
- Planetary geology: Tectonic, magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of Mars and terrestrial geological analogues; active volcanism as a potential source of trace gases; geology of Mercury.
- Dynamics of small bodies in the Solar System: modeling of the non-gravitational effects in the orbital motion of comets taking into account the changes of spin orientation, nonuniform surface activity and gas production curves; predictions of impacts with Earth by the Potentially Hazarous Asteroids; quasi-satellites in Earth-like orbits; dynamical effects of tidal disruption of protocometary objects.
- Scatter Disk and Oort Cloud: Oort spike determination and origin of actual LP comets; Monte Carlo simulations of the injection of comets from the Oort Coud and subsequent orbital evolution due to planetary perturbations; simulations of the evolution of the scattered disk and its connection to the Oort Cloud.
- Shaping of planetary systems by their birth clusters: studying the effects of parent star on the formation and dynamics of planetary systems.
Scientists of SSDPD are involved in numerous space experiments, including: